Thursday, September 30, 2010

Anna/Mommy Day(s)

Hi guys,

I know that we have really sucked at blogging lately.  Life has gotten so busy since I started my job.  But, overall I would say it is a good kind of busy.

So I had the past two days off.  I was so excited to finally get in some quality Anna/Mommy time after many days of work.  I was excited to take her to the park and play play play.  Things didn't turn out the way I had anticipated.  Anna's been running a fever since Tuesday.  It's been anywhere from 99.5-103.5.  I am really hoping that it is due to teething and that the fact that she hasn't been up over 100 today is a good sign that the end is near.  I spent the past two days quarantined to the couch with Anna cuddling on me.  I even spent the past two nights sleeping with her on the couch.  While it isn't exactly how I had hoped to spend my two days off with her, it is still so nice to have some alone time with my little peony.  Tomorrow, I am back to work.  But Anna still gets one more day off of daycare because Evan is off.  Hopefully she will be fully recovered by Saturday.

I was really excited to finally order Anna a pair of TOMS.  They arrived the other day and she looks so incredibly adorable in them.  I am impatiently waiting for the pink glittery ones to come back into stock so I can order them for Anna in her next size.  Until then, she will sport these:

Even though Anna hasn't been feeling well, I took her to the park this afternoon to play for about 15 minutes.  The past two days have been beautiful and I just couldn't keep us cooped up in the house any longer.  She had a lot of fun and really didn't want to leave but I didn't want her to overextend herself after feeling so lousy the past few days.  She even made friends with a little girl.  They follow each other around for about 5 minutes.  It was adorable.  Here are a few pictures from our outing:

Well I am sorry that this blog just rambled.  It's been awhile since I've written one of these.  We have some fun stuff to look forward to in the next few weeks.  Evan is finally getting out to shoot a wedding in about a week; we are heading back to Mayville for two days to visit a really fun pumpkin farm with Danny, Zoe and the rest of the fam; and we are hoping to enjoy our day off together Sunday with an exciting photo shoot to document our news we have to share with everyone! :)  Thanks for reading!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wow busy busy busy!

Sorry for the lack of updates everyone! Between our move and Gabby's new job our little family has had little down time! We promise we will keep up with updates very very soon. Also, we have some very big exciting wonderful news for all of you. :)

Until then, please enjoy this picture of anna

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Anna daddy day!!!!! pt. 1

Hey everyone!

Gabby just started her job and we are super excited for her! Evan happened to have the day off so Anna didn't need any childcare for the first day. The day was full of playing and exploring. Please enjoy the set of photos from the day.

She is filling her momma's shoes so well!

Her Aunties came to visit (playing with the ipad)

Dressed in her "I love mommy" bib becuase she missed her

Anna's favorite new stuffed animal Lamby (thanks Christine!)

This post was named part one for many reasons. The main reason being this day was also shot on a medium format Mamiya c330 camera. Once the film gets developed, expect a second addition to this post involving those photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Hey there,

Anna was trouble today.

On top of this, she pulled the tissues out of their box, tried to eat a whole cookie in one bite, and dump her plate of rice and turkey on her head (We have a video of this).  It was a really fun day. :)

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Stroll in the Park

Hey Folks,

It was such a beautiful afternoon we decided to take a little walk around our new neighborhood to explore. We have a few parks within walking distance and are excited about the new scenery. Due to a crazy amount of mosquitoes, our walk was cut short. We managed to take a few photos to share with you all.

Anna around the house

Trying to learn the camera

With love,
Anna,  Evan, and Gabby