Thursday, September 9, 2010

Anna daddy day!!!!! pt. 1

Hey everyone!

Gabby just started her job and we are super excited for her! Evan happened to have the day off so Anna didn't need any childcare for the first day. The day was full of playing and exploring. Please enjoy the set of photos from the day.

She is filling her momma's shoes so well!

Her Aunties came to visit (playing with the ipad)

Dressed in her "I love mommy" bib becuase she missed her

Anna's favorite new stuffed animal Lamby (thanks Christine!)

This post was named part one for many reasons. The main reason being this day was also shot on a medium format Mamiya c330 camera. Once the film gets developed, expect a second addition to this post involving those photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby


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