Thursday, October 7, 2010

Playing at the Park

Hey there folks,

We never made it out to take pictures last Sunday because Anna is still sick.  We finally took her into the doctor on Tuesday and found out she has an ear infection in both her ears.  Poor kid.  They put her on antibiotics for 10 days.  I thought that today was going to be another day of sitting around the house with sick Anna but apparently the antibiotics are really helping.  She is much more playful and seems to be feeling a million times better.  And thus, Anna and Mommy had a fun day together! :)

We finally bought a slow cooker!  They were on sale at Shopko and it came with recipes.  I'm really excited about trying out some new foods around the house.

This evening we went to the park down the road.  It was busiest we've ever witnessed.  Anna had a blast and came home filthy!  I am really kicking myself for not taking before and after pictures.  Here are some shots from the park.

We have less than a week until we are on our mini vacation to Mayville and the pumpkin farm.  I am really excited and we will definitely have a fun post for you all after the trip!!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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