Saturday, November 26, 2011

Gobble Gobble Packwaukee

Hey guys,

Sorry about the late post.  Things get pretty crazy around here when the holidays hit and we got home very late on Thursday and Evan worked a long day yesterday.  This week was a lot of fun.  We put up our Christmas tree and other decorations.  Anna was really adorable helping out.  She hung a lot of the ornaments.  At some point each day she also takes a lot of the ornaments off the tree.  After awhile though we can play the "hang them back on the tree" game.  Then, of course, we ended our week with Thanksgiving.  We had the opportunity to visit with Evan's dad's side of the family as well as stop at my sister's for some tasty food and a short stay.  We are so thankful that we had the chance to make the trip and see everyone we could. And we are very thankful for all those we didn't have the opportunity to see.  Our little family is very blessed and we give thanks for all those incredible people we share our lives with.

Please enjoy this week photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The North Winds

Hey guys!

We have just finished our twenty-fifth week!  With the holidays just around the corner our lives are bound to get hectic, so this week we laid low.  It is also due partly to the lack of a second vehicle.  The Versa is officially totaled and we probably won't be getting a second car for awhile.  I guess that means Anna and I better find a lot of fun things to do around the house!  We did manage to make it out to a few of our favorite Eau Claire locations throughout the week and got some cute last minute fall pictures.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The first snow

Hey guys!

Well this week was a whirlwind.  It started out with a pretty gnarly car accident on Friday.  Luckily, Anna and I are okay and everyone else involved were fine.  I cannot say the same for my Versa and we are waiting to find out if the insurance company will total it.  In the aftermath of such an insane day, we actually had an incredible week.  Evan had five days off of work so we got to spend a lot of time relaxing, exploring, and enjoying our time together.  It is a bummer that the weather is getting so cold now.  It makes it harder to want to get outside and take pictures but so far we are succeeding.  We ended this week with a visit to La Crosse to see Eric, Mae and Baby Grace.  It was a great visit.  Grace is getting big and is just so beautiful.  Anna interacted adorably with her, even giving her a kiss.  We are excited to have more "play dates" for our perfect little girls.  PS.  Eau Claire got its first dusting of snow!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trick R' Treat

Hey guys!

Welcome to week 23!!!!! This week marks an important milestone in our Anna coverage. Not only was it Halloween, It was also Anna's first trick r treat experience. The following years we ended up not taking her out because we either thought the weather was too cold, or she wasn't big enough.  We thought long and hard about what she would be this year and we came to a very brilliant conclusion... A lumberjack.  We had such a blast with her and she really had a fun time getting all those treats.  Though she was a little scared at first, she warmed up very quickly and gave people lots of smiles.  Luckily her beard wasn't too thick and a simple washcloth cleaned it right up instead of having to bust out the razor.  My family came up to visit for the weekend and we really enjoyed showing them our new town.  Anna had a blast playing with my little sisters and relaxing with her Grandma.  We enjoyed their company and our late night pizza party.  This coming week I have 5 days of vacation and we couldn't be more excited for the chance to get out and explore.  We hope you enjoy this weeks photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby