Thursday, November 10, 2011

The first snow

Hey guys!

Well this week was a whirlwind.  It started out with a pretty gnarly car accident on Friday.  Luckily, Anna and I are okay and everyone else involved were fine.  I cannot say the same for my Versa and we are waiting to find out if the insurance company will total it.  In the aftermath of such an insane day, we actually had an incredible week.  Evan had five days off of work so we got to spend a lot of time relaxing, exploring, and enjoying our time together.  It is a bummer that the weather is getting so cold now.  It makes it harder to want to get outside and take pictures but so far we are succeeding.  We ended this week with a visit to La Crosse to see Eric, Mae and Baby Grace.  It was a great visit.  Grace is getting big and is just so beautiful.  Anna interacted adorably with her, even giving her a kiss.  We are excited to have more "play dates" for our perfect little girls.  PS.  Eau Claire got its first dusting of snow!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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