Thursday, February 23, 2012

The stay-cation

Hey folks!
Another exciting week down in our neck of the woods and as always, a lot of great stuff. I had a vacation that was not a traveling vacation, but a stay at home vacation hence my fancy word, stay-cation. Get it? Get it????? Ok enough with the bad humor. We had a very busy week that involved shooting loads of film, hand painting hundreds of wedding invites, and many failed attempts at screen printing.  We are super excited for all our hand made wedding decor and cannot wait for the big day! Cabin fever has set in full force and with spring just around the corner, we couldn't be more excited. On our many trips outside to play this week, Anna has learned about every way possible of finding the mud peaking through the snow. We hope you enjoy this week's photos and I apologize ahead of time for the large post!!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Milestone

Hi guys,

It was yet another wonderful week at our home.  We've reached a huge milestone in this project... We have less than 100 day's left!  It's incredible to think that we've been successful at taking a picture of Anna daily for 266 days straight.
Wedding planning is really picking up and we are very busy finalizing everything and beginning our DIY projects.  Luckily, Anna's favorite activity is crafts so she's just as happy as we are to be working on all of this.
I make an effort each day to get Anna out in the fresh air and this week we had mild temperatures again.  We got a light snowfall the other day and it was the perfect packing snow so we made a snowman.  Anna has a lot of experience with snowmen because we always make them out of play-doh and she LOVED the big one outside.
This week was Valentine's Day.  Evan and I aren't too big into the day but we like to make it special for Anna.  We had a great day! For Anna's gift, we got her a swimsuit and flip flops to wear when we take her to the dells next Friday to go swimming.  It'll be a nice get away and a chance to pretend winter is over. We are really looking forward to it.  We hope you all had a wonderful week, too!  Please enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Mild Winter

Howdy Folks,

We have some great news that we are excited to share with you.  Our wedding plans have come full circle and now that we have a set plan, we are starting to make everything happen.  This week, we purchased our rings and booked our reception hall!  Things are really falling into place and it's only a little over 90 days until we will be celebrating our big day with everyone!  Once again, this week we experienced mild temperatures and enjoyed playing outside with little miss Anna.  You'll notice in a few pictures she has a nasty bruise on her forehead.  She took a dive on a patch of ice (it looks far worse than it really is).  Although we've had head injuries and head colds, we've enjoyed yet another wonderful week.

We thought we'd include a little video of Anna this week.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Passing of a Titan

Hey guys,

We apologize once again for the late post.  This past week was a whirlwind.  It started out with a weekend visit from the girls in my family (except of course, Dan, who is in fact a boy) to go wedding dress shopping.  It was a fun and successful weekend.  This was the first major purchase we have made for our wedding and my dress is 100% perfect.  May will be here in no time so we are definitely in crunch time to make this all happen.  We also paid our wedding photographer this week too!  We ended our week in Boscobel.  Evan's Uncle Ron passed away so we made our way back to Evan's hometown to celebrate the life of a wonderful and brave man.  He will always be loved and missed by so many.  It was an emotionally and physically draining past few days and it was hard on Anna too.  The last picture from this week's photos sums up the week very well from her standpoint.

 With love
Anna, Evan, and Gabby