Thursday, February 23, 2012

The stay-cation

Hey folks!
Another exciting week down in our neck of the woods and as always, a lot of great stuff. I had a vacation that was not a traveling vacation, but a stay at home vacation hence my fancy word, stay-cation. Get it? Get it????? Ok enough with the bad humor. We had a very busy week that involved shooting loads of film, hand painting hundreds of wedding invites, and many failed attempts at screen printing.  We are super excited for all our hand made wedding decor and cannot wait for the big day! Cabin fever has set in full force and with spring just around the corner, we couldn't be more excited. On our many trips outside to play this week, Anna has learned about every way possible of finding the mud peaking through the snow. We hope you enjoy this week's photos and I apologize ahead of time for the large post!!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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