Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's spring

Hey guys,

It was an absolutely gorgeous day yesterday so I took Anna to the park to play for a little bit.  It was a lot of fun and we both took a very lengthy nap when we got home.  Anna is such an active and fun little girl.

We are really hoping to blog more often and let everyone know what's going on with in our lives.  Evan's interview for Eau Claire's store is on Tuesday.  I know he is going to knock 'em dead.  We are very excited to see what the future has in store for our family.

After the finale of LOST, Evan and I felt pretty lost.  haha. However, we found a new show that is phenomenal.  Bones.  Last night we watched the funniest episode.  I was in tears from laughing so hard.  It was ridiculous.  If you guys aren't familiar with the show, check it out.

Evan and I have been gathering wedding books and our ideas are finally starting to come together.  We are very excited for our special day and spending it with all the amazing people in our lives.  I can promise you there will be more posts on this subject in the future!

Evan will put up a little bit of an outdated post in a few days here.  It's from our trip to my family's house a few weekends back.  He got some really amazing pictures of Anna and we picked up our girl scout cookies!! Yum!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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