Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hey everyone, 

We have a lot of different stuff for you today! We have some very very exciting news for everyone that we would like to share!!!! Evan received a promotion at his job and we will be moving to Eau Claire! :) We couldn't be more happy or excited for the next stage in our lives. The next few weeks will be very busy for our little family. On days off, we will be making trips to find a new home for us to live in. This brings up our next question. For our family and friends we do not see very often, please sign up with blogger and follow our post. It would mean the world for us to have you part of our world and able to comment on our posts. We know there are a lot of frequent visitors, so we are simply asking you to sign up and participate with us.

This post is full of many many pictures, trips, and a project we are starting to do as a hobby.

From our girl scout cookie adventure:

Me Leica :)

Around the house:

Eau Claire Pawn America's new head coach!

A day at the park:

Keep in touch

With Love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys, I just wanted to let you know I am always reading even if you don't hear from me much. I love the pictures but would love to see Gabby and Evan more too! Congratulations Evan it sounds like your future is only getting more and more exciting.
