Saturday, April 23, 2011

40th post!

Wow it feels like only yesterday when we were just at post #1. Just wanted to give you a quick update in our time zone. We are anxiously awaiting the new store to open and have been looking for a new home for a bit now. Next week we will be heading up to the Eau Claire area again to do some searching. Anna keeps growing and growing and in a little over a month she is going to be 2 years old already! Talk about time flying by... Easter is tomorrow and we are heading down to the beautiful woods (that is what the word Boscobel means) Evan's home town. We are going to enjoy the day by grilling out and searching for hidden Easter egg's with the family.

With love
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The tourist

No folks... Not the tourist with Mr. Depp... But  more like the Wisconsin version with your friends, US! We went on a little trip up to our soon to be new home, Eau Claire. Our goal was simple, look at some apartments, and get a feel for our new stomping grounds. We had a nice afternoon of apartment seeing and exploring. The only frustration we encountered was the fact that noodles decided to not be open when we were hungry. We opted for the Panera a few shops down. The real kicker here was on the way back to our car, noodles was open... What luck. Oh well, maybe next time. We had a chance to stop by Evan's new store being built and let me tell you, we were amazed at the size of it! We were lucky enough to have perfect weather and ended our day today by going to the park, and grilling some chicken. Now that we are stuffed beyond belief, it is time for a quick cat nap and a movie to end the night.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Hey everyone, 

We have a lot of different stuff for you today! We have some very very exciting news for everyone that we would like to share!!!! Evan received a promotion at his job and we will be moving to Eau Claire! :) We couldn't be more happy or excited for the next stage in our lives. The next few weeks will be very busy for our little family. On days off, we will be making trips to find a new home for us to live in. This brings up our next question. For our family and friends we do not see very often, please sign up with blogger and follow our post. It would mean the world for us to have you part of our world and able to comment on our posts. We know there are a lot of frequent visitors, so we are simply asking you to sign up and participate with us.

This post is full of many many pictures, trips, and a project we are starting to do as a hobby.

From our girl scout cookie adventure:

Me Leica :)

Around the house:

Eau Claire Pawn America's new head coach!

A day at the park:

Keep in touch

With Love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby