Saturday, April 9, 2011

The tourist

No folks... Not the tourist with Mr. Depp... But  more like the Wisconsin version with your friends, US! We went on a little trip up to our soon to be new home, Eau Claire. Our goal was simple, look at some apartments, and get a feel for our new stomping grounds. We had a nice afternoon of apartment seeing and exploring. The only frustration we encountered was the fact that noodles decided to not be open when we were hungry. We opted for the Panera a few shops down. The real kicker here was on the way back to our car, noodles was open... What luck. Oh well, maybe next time. We had a chance to stop by Evan's new store being built and let me tell you, we were amazed at the size of it! We were lucky enough to have perfect weather and ended our day today by going to the park, and grilling some chicken. Now that we are stuffed beyond belief, it is time for a quick cat nap and a movie to end the night.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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