Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nine nueve neuf neun nove

Hi folks!
We just finished up week nine and we are very excited to share our travels with you. The weekend started off to a running start by myself going to South Dakota to shoot a wedding, and Gabby's sister, Nicole, and niece, Zoe, coming up to visit for the weekend. We ended up taking a last minute trip to Minneapolis for my work and got a chance to visit the Mall of America and stay in a Hotel for the night. We had a fun trip and realize how much we love Wisconsin and our smaller city life. While in the mall, there was a Vikings fan party going on (Barfffffffffffff!). We need to remember to always pack the green and gold to be able to represent our world champions in times like those! We are so excited about the lockout finally ending and the chance to enjoy another wonderful season with the Packers. After a day of rest in Eau Claire, we ended up venturing to our old stomping grounds of La Crosse for some more of my work duties. We were fortunate enough to stay with my brother, Eric, and his girlfriend, Mae. The night consisted of going out to eat, laughs, some sparkly beverage that starts with an M I think, and double strength iced coffee served warm. We are now back home and enjoying a little downtime for the weekend. Come next week, the travels start all over again!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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