Friday, July 8, 2011

We Made It!

Hey guys!

We are excited to announce that we are all moved in!!!  We moved Friday and it was the hottest, grossest, stickiest day that we've had so far this summer, but it went smoothly.  With an upgraded U-Haul (26 foot), everything was easy to load up and Evan was a rockstart when it came to driving the monster.  We decided this time around to unpack everything right away instead of let it all sit in boxes.  Everything is done with the exception of Anna's room.  She has way too much stuff.  Because we opted for unpacking right away, we haven't really had the opportunity to explore the town, besides our backyard.  This weekend we are hoping to make it out to some of the festivities that are going on.  Speaking of our backyard, that is by far the best part of our new home.  Living in the country is beautiful to say the least.  Our sunlight is so pure and thunderstorms are so much more intense.  It's really been an awesome experience.  Anna, of course, loves the outdoors and has had a blast collecting rocks and sticks and playing in the tall grass.

The Fourth of July has come and gone.  It was a pretty relaxed day for us and we decided to have our own celebration at home instead of venture to the fireworks.  We grilled out and bought some sparklers.  Anna was in awe of the sparklers and enjoyed running around in the dark.  We are excited to catch some fireflies with her sometime in the near future too!

Once our home is all decorated, we look forward to posting some pictures.  Until then, check out what Anna was up to this week!

We are very happy to be able to finally call Eau Claire our home.  We have many new and exciting adventures ahead of us and we are excited to share them all with you!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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