Thursday, September 1, 2011

The week of discovery

Hey trusty followers,

This is an odd occurrence here on the blog, I, Evan, am actually home and able to treat you with this weeks words of wisdom. I have been a bit MIA lately due to my store opening and haven't had much time to even take a second and relax. I would like to thank my lovely family for the support over this last little bit and love them dearly for putting up with me. I worked over 90 hours in a 7 day stretch and a few days off didn't come soon enough. It is amazing how much your body can stand. We were able to get right back in the swing of things and go on a few adventures as well. Great, great, great, great discovery is the place we plan on hosting our wedding ceremony this upcoming year. We could not be more excited on the location. Picture Yellowstone's waterfalls and Wisconsin's great north woods all bundled into one!!!! I can say I was missing snapping photos so I took full advantage of being home. After 3 rolls of medium format film, 500 pictures on my new camera, and 75 mosquito bites, I present to you this weeks photo set.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

1 comment:

  1. She is going to be awesome at putting together campfires. I can tell.
