Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week Thirteen

Hey guys!

This week has been a whirlwind.  My little sister, Dannylin, was still staying with us.  We had so much fun having her and would love to have her stay again anytime!  Then we ventured to Mayville to celebrate my niece's birthday.  Then to La Crosse for Baby EricMae's shower.  And that was just the weekend!!  Evan has been MIA for the rest of the week, working insanely long hours getting his store ready to open.  And today was the day!  Pawn America Eau Claire is officially up and running!  We are so proud of Evan and excited that this day has finally come.  Hopefully in the next few weeks life will start getting back to normal.  Never the less, Anna and I (and Evan when he's around) have trucked on with our picture a day project and we hope you enjoy this week.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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