Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Great Pumpkin

Hey guys!

It's hard to believe that we have finished Anna's first five months of being two!!  We have some exciting news!  This year we have finally been successful at carving our pumpkin!  The past two years, we have bought our perfect pumpkin and never touched it.  Thus, it would rot in our house and we'd throw it out.  But this year was different.  We were really excited because Anna is finally a good age to enjoy the whole pumpkin carving to-do.  We were wrong.  Anna wouldn't even come near the pumpkin without crying.  The only way we got her to look inside it was by dropping her crayon into it.  Then when we pulled the crayon out, she wanted nothing to do with it.  So... I guess we will hope that next year she'll dig it.  At least Evan enjoyed his time gutting and carving the pumpkin and we all enjoyed the baked pumpkin seeds!  Otherwise, this week has been dedicated mainly to enjoying our time outside in the beautiful, crisp fall air.  Hope you enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our ever growing family

Hey folks!  Another week down and another week closer to the holiday season.  We had a very fun travel packed week.  I was in the middle of an 8 on shift and tried to enjoy as much family time I could.  We took our annual pumpkin farm trip to pick out our perfect pumpkin, and I would say we succeeded.  We always look forward to the fresh baked pies and cookies.  Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate as much as it has in previous years and our visit was shortened.  Anna enjoyed our trip even though she was frozen like a little icicle.  Luckily her leg warmers let her stay out in the weather as long as she could.  Yesterday, we were finally fortunate enough to meet the newest member of our family, baby Grace.  She couldn't be more beautiful or perfect and we are excited for Eric and Mae and their new little family.

 Hope you enjoy this week's photo set

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lakes and Streams

Hey Folks!

Another week has passed and a few new adventures have been added under our belts.  What can we really say about this last week?  Well, for one, the weather has been wild! One day we had a beautiful indian summer, the next it was a blustery fall day. We have had rain upon rain, and then we have also had cool sunny days. Despite the confused forecast, we still managed to get out and about and see some pretty amazing places. We ventured up to the banks of Lake Wissota and spent the day exploring and having a mini picnic.  If you have never heard of Lake Wissota you are missing out.  This famous lake has even been mentioned by Leo in the movie "Titanic," and houses the Leinenkugels brewery on its northern banks.  Even though the shout-out in Titanic turned out to be inaccurate, it is still a cool fact.  Eau Claire is nestled between the merging Eau Claire and Chippewa river.  There are very scarce places in town that you cannot find yourself at the bank of either river.  We love visiting the rivers and cannot help but love the fall colors.  I will let the photos speak for themselves.  Please enjoy this weeks photo-set.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gettin' Out of the Chicken Coop

Hey guys!

This week has been so much fun.  We finally have had some beautiful fall weather and have been outside every day enjoying it!  Although fall struck us fast, we must say that Eau Claire is absolutely gorgeous at this time of the year.  The colors have been mind blowing.  We have been visiting a ton of local parks this week.  Rod and Gun Park, one of our favorites, is where Anna managed to mud up her boots.  We were out of the car no longer than five minutes and she already found the only muddy spot in the whole park!  Gotta love having a two year old.  She has turned into a major hoot these days.  She sings, dances, talks our ears off and wears clothing on the wrong body parts.  She lights up our lives and we are so happy to be capturing every single day with her!  Sorry, we went a little overboard this week on pics.  We hope you enjoy!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby