Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Great Pumpkin

Hey guys!

It's hard to believe that we have finished Anna's first five months of being two!!  We have some exciting news!  This year we have finally been successful at carving our pumpkin!  The past two years, we have bought our perfect pumpkin and never touched it.  Thus, it would rot in our house and we'd throw it out.  But this year was different.  We were really excited because Anna is finally a good age to enjoy the whole pumpkin carving to-do.  We were wrong.  Anna wouldn't even come near the pumpkin without crying.  The only way we got her to look inside it was by dropping her crayon into it.  Then when we pulled the crayon out, she wanted nothing to do with it.  So... I guess we will hope that next year she'll dig it.  At least Evan enjoyed his time gutting and carving the pumpkin and we all enjoyed the baked pumpkin seeds!  Otherwise, this week has been dedicated mainly to enjoying our time outside in the beautiful, crisp fall air.  Hope you enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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