Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our ever growing family

Hey folks!  Another week down and another week closer to the holiday season.  We had a very fun travel packed week.  I was in the middle of an 8 on shift and tried to enjoy as much family time I could.  We took our annual pumpkin farm trip to pick out our perfect pumpkin, and I would say we succeeded.  We always look forward to the fresh baked pies and cookies.  Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate as much as it has in previous years and our visit was shortened.  Anna enjoyed our trip even though she was frozen like a little icicle.  Luckily her leg warmers let her stay out in the weather as long as she could.  Yesterday, we were finally fortunate enough to meet the newest member of our family, baby Grace.  She couldn't be more beautiful or perfect and we are excited for Eric and Mae and their new little family.

 Hope you enjoy this week's photo set

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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