Thursday, March 1, 2012

Night at the Museum

Hey guys,

This was a pretty chill week at our house.  We did venture to the dells on Friday to shop and go swimming.  Anna is a little water bug and had so much fun.  We also had the pleasure of visiting with the lovely Christine and my wonderful mother and little sister.  This week winter decided to visit again so we made the most of our snow days by staying in and enjoying each other's company.  We did venture out the other day and to visit the Children's Museum of Eau Claire.  I've taken Anna to the one in La Crosse before so I knew it would be a good time.  We had so much fun that we are now official members and will be visiting there many more times in the future.  We hope you enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

1 comment:

  1. You are the cutest family! I love checking out your blog every week! :)
