Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Day on the Lake.

Hey guys,

We apologize for our lack of blogging this summer.  As it is for most people, 2012 has been so busy.  Our summer has been really enjoyable and we hope that your's has been too.

With my birthday right around the corner, we decided to make this past weekend extra special.  I've been determined to get our little family out in a canoe all summer and Saturday was the perfect opportunity.  We did a little research and found out that Lake Wissota State Park offered canoes for only $10!  What a steal?!  We packed up the handy pelican case full of our camera gear and iPhones and hit the water around 230pm.  It was so fun.  Perfect would actually sum it up pretty well.  Anna loved the experience, was super well-behaved, and so excited to be able to reach over the edge of the canoe and touch the water.  Here are a few of our favorite shots from the day.

We'll be back next week with a little summer recap.  :)

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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