Thursday, May 31, 2012

We did it!

Hey guys!!

This is an exciting post.  We're done!  Anna has turned three and our 366 project is officially over.  We made it the entire third year of her life taking a picture each day.  That's pretty remarkable (and now a very hard habit to break).  It's been an incredible journey, one that has pushed us to get out explore the world around us.  We have had so much fun sharing this experience with each and every one of you.  We hope that Anna looks back fondly on this year of her life.   In the past few weeks, I have started to compile her book and we will be ordering it within the next few days.  It will be a keepsake we all cherish for the rest of our years.  :)  So this concludes our weekly blogs and daily pictures (even though so far in the start of her fourth year on this beautiful earth we have taken her picture every day).  Don't be alarmed we will continue to post about the excitement in our lives from time to time.  Stay tuned for our next adventures.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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