Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Few Final Hours

Hey Guys!

Week five is officially over.  It was a heck of week.  We have been so busy with packing, visiting family, and enjoying our last few days in the Onalaska/La Crosse area.  It is definitely bittersweet to be moving tomorrow.  There are so many people and things we are going to miss but we have many things to look forward to in Eau Claire.  The week has been a whirlwind.  We ventured back to Mayville for a very fun day outdoors celebrating my little sister's birthday.  We had a family grill out with Evan's brothers.  We helped Eric and Mae move to their beautiful new home.  The list goes on and on.  At least we could do all those things and still get our packing done.  We even made a trip to Goose Island again and had one last dinner at Rudy's drive in.  It was a really great week and I can only imagine that this coming week will be just as exciting with moving tomorrow and the fourth of July on Monday!  Hope you guys enjoy the pictures this week.

We ordered Anna a baby beer. Isn't it cute!

Tune in next week to the first post from our new home!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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