Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week Thirteen

Hey guys!

This week has been a whirlwind.  My little sister, Dannylin, was still staying with us.  We had so much fun having her and would love to have her stay again anytime!  Then we ventured to Mayville to celebrate my niece's birthday.  Then to La Crosse for Baby EricMae's shower.  And that was just the weekend!!  Evan has been MIA for the rest of the week, working insanely long hours getting his store ready to open.  And today was the day!  Pawn America Eau Claire is officially up and running!  We are so proud of Evan and excited that this day has finally come.  Hopefully in the next few weeks life will start getting back to normal.  Never the less, Anna and I (and Evan when he's around) have trucked on with our picture a day project and we hope you enjoy this week.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week Twelve

Hi guys!

Wow, another week in the bag.  This is crazy!  It was a great week!  I celebrated my 23rd birthday on Saturday.  It was a really great weekend full of relaxing and shopping.  I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.  Evan has been terribly busy with work since is store is opening in a week from today!  He has been gone for long hours and they just seem to keep getting longer (which I really didn't think was possible).  Anna and I miss him so much and hope life gets back to 'normal' soon!  At least this week, we have a visitor!  My little sister, Dannylin, is here until Saturday!  She got here on Wednesday.  Anna has loved having her Auntie around and we've been having a lot of fun!

We hope you enjoy this week's pictures!

This is our other excitement for the week:  We're going to the PACKERS!! I wish Anna could come but we'll wait until she gets a little older!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Week Eleven

Hi Guys!

I seriously cannot believe it's Thursday night again and I have just pushed through the hundreds of pictures we took this week to prepare this blog.  I don't know why, but it seems the days are going faster than usual since we started this project.  Like I mentioned in our last post, we were in La Crosse this weekend for Sam and Jenni's wedding.  It was such a beautiful day and Evan captured some really amazing moments for them!  We are excited to show them the pictures and very thankful that we got to be there for their special day!  It was definitely a relief to head back to Eau Claire Saturday night and be able to settle back in here.  We ventured out one night to the drive-in.  It is literally about three miles away from our house and so cheap.  It's $8 a person for a double feature.  We saw Cowboys & Aliens (epic) and the Change-Up (a let down).  I have to admit I am bummed that they line up changed because last week it was Cowboys and Harry Potter.   It was so fun to be able to go see some movies and have Anna long for the ride.  I think she liked it and she ended up passing out on Evan during the last movie.  The rest of the week we have spent enjoying our apartment.  I think Anna really missed our home since she messed it up really well!

Hope you enjoy this week's pictures!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Friday, August 5, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

Hey guys!!

It's pretty hard to believe that we have finished 10 full weeks already.  That's 70 days and over 5,000 photos taken.  It has been so much fun and we still have a lot more to look forward to.  I hope that Anna will end up loving this collection of photos as much as Evan and I do!

Week ten was pretty crazy.  We spent the week in Madison.  Evan had his new employees training as well as picking up supplies for the Eau Claire store!  Anna and I went along and stayed in the beautiful hotel.  We even made a trip to Mayville one day since it was only an hour drive and Evan was working.  We are really lucky to be able to do all this running around before Evan's store opens.  It's been a lot of fun.  Today we are heading to La Crosse for the weekend.  Evan is photographing Sam and Jenni's wedding and we are excited to celebrate their special day with them.

I'm sure you have noticed that we aren't the best at picking only one picture some days and this week is no exception.  Sometimes Anna is just too cute or we do too much stuff in one day!  We hope you enjoy the photos from this week!  Thanks for tuning in!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby