Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week Twelve

Hi guys!

Wow, another week in the bag.  This is crazy!  It was a great week!  I celebrated my 23rd birthday on Saturday.  It was a really great weekend full of relaxing and shopping.  I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.  Evan has been terribly busy with work since is store is opening in a week from today!  He has been gone for long hours and they just seem to keep getting longer (which I really didn't think was possible).  Anna and I miss him so much and hope life gets back to 'normal' soon!  At least this week, we have a visitor!  My little sister, Dannylin, is here until Saturday!  She got here on Wednesday.  Anna has loved having her Auntie around and we've been having a lot of fun!

We hope you enjoy this week's pictures!

This is our other excitement for the week:  We're going to the PACKERS!! I wish Anna could come but we'll wait until she gets a little older!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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