Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our Little Snow Monster

Hey everyone -

We've had another fun week that consisted mainly of playing in the snow.  Evan worked some incredibly long days this week but still managed to spend some quality time with his girls.  Anna and I are so thankful for everything Evan does for our family.  Anna had a few first this week too.  She made her first snow angel!  I had to model the actions for her first and then she plopped right down and waved her arms.  It was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.  I took a somewhat decent picture of the second one she made, you'll find it below.  Her other first was taking her first picture with my iPhone.  It turned out to be an adorable family picture and we're excited to frame it and make it into a magnet for our fridge.  It's also been quite the week for talking when it comes to Anna.  She is just full of questions:  "What are you doing?"  "Where's daddy?" "What's that?" etc etc.  Her little voice is adorable and we've been making some videos of her along the way of her talking and singing.  Perhaps, when time permits, we will edit some together and share them with everyone.  Until then, please enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Deep Freeze

Hi guys,

Yet another week has passed and it was nothing short of spectacular.  This week was a special time for Evan and I because we ventured to Minneapolis (without Anna) to attend the Corporate Christmas party for Pawn America.  After a wonderful time last year, we were really looking forward to the night out.  We missed Anna like crazy and brought her home way too many surprises.  It's always really hard to be away from Anna overnight but this year Gerryanne came to our house and watched her.  It was nice to know she was in her own surroundings and had plenty to keep her occupied.  She really enjoyed her time with Gerryanne and we can't thank her enough for taking such good care of our little lady.  The rest of our week was spent playing, laughing, and discovering the joy that play-doh can bring to a two year old girl.  We did manage to make it outside a few times to play in the snow.  Anna is a true Wisconsin baby, she loves it out there.  Sadly, now Wisconsin's winter has finally arrived and it's way too cold to be playing outside.  Hopefully it will warm back up enough for us to venture back out and perhaps make our very first family snowman!  Please enjoy this week's photos and stay warm.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The big 2-4

Hey guys,

We've had a terrific week, and we hope all of you can say the same.  We ventured to La Crosse this past weekend to celebrate Christmas with Christine and Rick.  Eric, Mae, and Grace were gracious enough to allow us to spend the night at their place twice.  We had the chance to catch up with everyone, eat great food, and even have an early birthday celebration for Eric and Evan.  Anna loves her cousin, Grace, so much.  She was very helpful and enthusiastic about being there.  It melts my heart watching her with Grace, and I am sure the future only holds more heart-warming times together.  Three days ago, we were outside playing with Anna without jackets on and we even debated a quick January grilling session.  Today, it is a blizzard and freezing cold -- we have over six inches of snow.  We love Wisconsin.  This was a very special week because Eric and Evan turned 24 on Wednesday.  We were lucky enough to have both our little families together for a great dinner at Red Robin.  Hope you enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, January 5, 2012

From the North Woods to the South Woods

Hey Folks,
Happy new year everyone! We are excited to be able to continue sharing with you all well into 2012 and beyond.  This week consisted of playing at the park, ringing in the new year, and a road trip.  We ventured down to Boscobel to visit the family on our days off and visit uncle Ron back at his house.  We are glad to have you back home!  We also learned that my little brother, Matthew, should never get his driver's license.  Sorry about your siding Ron!  We also made a pitstop to see Eric and Grace (sorry we missed you, Mae).  Anna had a lot of fun playing with her little cousin.  Much like the rest of this winter, we got more snow but it is already almost melted.  Anna has enjoyed it as much as possible and has even learned how to throw snowballs.  Overall it has been a great start to the new year. Please enjoy this weeks photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby