Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Deep Freeze

Hi guys,

Yet another week has passed and it was nothing short of spectacular.  This week was a special time for Evan and I because we ventured to Minneapolis (without Anna) to attend the Corporate Christmas party for Pawn America.  After a wonderful time last year, we were really looking forward to the night out.  We missed Anna like crazy and brought her home way too many surprises.  It's always really hard to be away from Anna overnight but this year Gerryanne came to our house and watched her.  It was nice to know she was in her own surroundings and had plenty to keep her occupied.  She really enjoyed her time with Gerryanne and we can't thank her enough for taking such good care of our little lady.  The rest of our week was spent playing, laughing, and discovering the joy that play-doh can bring to a two year old girl.  We did manage to make it outside a few times to play in the snow.  Anna is a true Wisconsin baby, she loves it out there.  Sadly, now Wisconsin's winter has finally arrived and it's way too cold to be playing outside.  Hopefully it will warm back up enough for us to venture back out and perhaps make our very first family snowman!  Please enjoy this week's photos and stay warm.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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