Thursday, January 5, 2012

From the North Woods to the South Woods

Hey Folks,
Happy new year everyone! We are excited to be able to continue sharing with you all well into 2012 and beyond.  This week consisted of playing at the park, ringing in the new year, and a road trip.  We ventured down to Boscobel to visit the family on our days off and visit uncle Ron back at his house.  We are glad to have you back home!  We also learned that my little brother, Matthew, should never get his driver's license.  Sorry about your siding Ron!  We also made a pitstop to see Eric and Grace (sorry we missed you, Mae).  Anna had a lot of fun playing with her little cousin.  Much like the rest of this winter, we got more snow but it is already almost melted.  Anna has enjoyed it as much as possible and has even learned how to throw snowballs.  Overall it has been a great start to the new year. Please enjoy this weeks photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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