Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our Little Snow Monster

Hey everyone -

We've had another fun week that consisted mainly of playing in the snow.  Evan worked some incredibly long days this week but still managed to spend some quality time with his girls.  Anna and I are so thankful for everything Evan does for our family.  Anna had a few first this week too.  She made her first snow angel!  I had to model the actions for her first and then she plopped right down and waved her arms.  It was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.  I took a somewhat decent picture of the second one she made, you'll find it below.  Her other first was taking her first picture with my iPhone.  It turned out to be an adorable family picture and we're excited to frame it and make it into a magnet for our fridge.  It's also been quite the week for talking when it comes to Anna.  She is just full of questions:  "What are you doing?"  "Where's daddy?" "What's that?" etc etc.  Her little voice is adorable and we've been making some videos of her along the way of her talking and singing.  Perhaps, when time permits, we will edit some together and share them with everyone.  Until then, please enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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