Thursday, March 29, 2012

Awesome Blossom

Hey guys!

We are excited to announce we have broken into the 300s for photos.  It feels like only last week that we broke the 200s.  This week on our many outdoor adventures, we managed to find a patch of flowers in full bloom.  It is like a breath of fresh air to see after a long winter.

Please enjoy this weeks photos

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bubble Girl

Hey guys!

This week was a blast!  We enjoyed much of our time outside, as usual.  Anna loves to get out and run around.  This week she rediscovered the greatness that is bubbles.  The difference is, now she actually can blow them herself!  We had the chance to take a day off of wedding to-dos and head to La Crosse to grill out with some of Evan's siblings.  It was a gorgeous day, good food, great company and overall a very fun time.  Anna was so cute with her little cousin Gracie.  Grace (and Mae and Eric) got Anna a goodie bag of stuff for Easter.  It was so sweet of them -- we are so grateful.  And she loved everything in it.  One of those things being an awesome bubble set!  Besides our mini road trip we've enjoyed running around in the backyard and venturing to some local parks.  All in all it was a great week!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring Has Sprung.

Hey guys!

Holy beautiful!  That's about all we can say about this week.  Spring is upon us and we couldn't be happier to be able to spend our entire day lounging in the sun and playing in the fresh air with AnnaBoo.  We hope that each and every one of you guys have had the opportunity to enjoy this gorgeous weather!  We have only ten short weeks and two days left for Anna's 366 project.  It's hard to believe we are that close to her 3rd birthday!  Our little lady is growing up way too fast.  We really hope you have all enjoyed watching her growth these past few months!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Taste of Spring

Hey guys!

We have had a beautiful week.  Things have gotten very busy for the three of us between Evan working, preparing for our wedding (which is 64 days away), and entertaining/nurturing a two year old.  We definitely have our hands full.  Spring is coming and we couldn't be more relieved to get to spend what free time we do have out in the great outdoors.  We had one super gorgeous day this week and we enjoyed it by taking a walk on a local trail.  Anna had fun with the snow that was still around but more so with the giant puddles.  Next on our list to get Anna... wellies!  The biggest news of the week was getting Anna's first haircut.  Evan and I have talked about getting her hair trimmed for awhile just because it would get so frizzy at the ends and she isn't the fondest of having it pulled back.  I have to admit my heart broke a little bit as they snipped off the gorgeous ringlets she has had since she was a little baby.  Luckily, she still have some of her curls and her hair is WAY more manageable now.  Please enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Night at the Museum

Hey guys,

This was a pretty chill week at our house.  We did venture to the dells on Friday to shop and go swimming.  Anna is a little water bug and had so much fun.  We also had the pleasure of visiting with the lovely Christine and my wonderful mother and little sister.  This week winter decided to visit again so we made the most of our snow days by staying in and enjoying each other's company.  We did venture out the other day and to visit the Children's Museum of Eau Claire.  I've taken Anna to the one in La Crosse before so I knew it would be a good time.  We had so much fun that we are now official members and will be visiting there many more times in the future.  We hope you enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby