Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Taste of Spring

Hey guys!

We have had a beautiful week.  Things have gotten very busy for the three of us between Evan working, preparing for our wedding (which is 64 days away), and entertaining/nurturing a two year old.  We definitely have our hands full.  Spring is coming and we couldn't be more relieved to get to spend what free time we do have out in the great outdoors.  We had one super gorgeous day this week and we enjoyed it by taking a walk on a local trail.  Anna had fun with the snow that was still around but more so with the giant puddles.  Next on our list to get Anna... wellies!  The biggest news of the week was getting Anna's first haircut.  Evan and I have talked about getting her hair trimmed for awhile just because it would get so frizzy at the ends and she isn't the fondest of having it pulled back.  I have to admit my heart broke a little bit as they snipped off the gorgeous ringlets she has had since she was a little baby.  Luckily, she still have some of her curls and her hair is WAY more manageable now.  Please enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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