Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bubble Girl

Hey guys!

This week was a blast!  We enjoyed much of our time outside, as usual.  Anna loves to get out and run around.  This week she rediscovered the greatness that is bubbles.  The difference is, now she actually can blow them herself!  We had the chance to take a day off of wedding to-dos and head to La Crosse to grill out with some of Evan's siblings.  It was a gorgeous day, good food, great company and overall a very fun time.  Anna was so cute with her little cousin Gracie.  Grace (and Mae and Eric) got Anna a goodie bag of stuff for Easter.  It was so sweet of them -- we are so grateful.  And she loved everything in it.  One of those things being an awesome bubble set!  Besides our mini road trip we've enjoyed running around in the backyard and venturing to some local parks.  All in all it was a great week!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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