Thursday, April 26, 2012

11 Down, 1 To Go

Hey guys -

Wow.  It's hard to believe that we only have four full weeks left of pictures.  Meaning only four full weeks until Anna turns three.  Time is just flying by with how busy we are with planning the wedding and all.  However, this week actually felt like it was about 12 days long.  We had a really great week with some awesome visitors.  Evan's good friend, Josh, who also happens to be our wedding photog, came to Eau Claire for a day of shooting.  The boys shot rolls upon rolls of film while Anna and I explored the woods.  We got a ton of cute pictures of Anna so I apologize in advance for the many, many extras this week.  Evan's sister, Gerryanne, also visited.  She came up to practice curling AnnaBoo's hair for the wedding day and of course to hang out with us.  It was a fun day.  We are so grateful for all her help with our decorations, too!  We have some of the best family around!  The rest of the week was surprisingly productive.  We have crossed a lot things off of our to-do list and we are feeling more and more prepared for the big day! (It's only two weeks away!)

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April Snow Showers Bring May Flowers?

Hey folks,

We may have just clocked in what felt like the longest week we have had this year. We have experience gale force winds, white out snow, lots and lots of rain, and of course a few sunny days.  Just another week in the upper midwest.  We had a bit of fun this week and ventured out to visit the Paul Bunyan logging camp here in Eau Claire.  Due to the wind, we ended up not staying as long as we would have hoped, but we will sure make our way back there in the future.  It is hard to believe our wedding is less than a month away.  It feels like everything keeps falling right into place and we are happy that the big day is almost here.  We are excited to see all of your faces very soon!! Please enjoy this weeks photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Friday, April 13, 2012

Hoppy Easter

Hey guys!

We apologize for the late post this week.  Things are getting mighty hectic around here these days and we needed to get some film developed before we could finish our post.  It was a wonderful week that included a mini road trip to celebrate Easter in Brodhead, WI.  It was well worth the travel and we made the car ride memorable, too.  We are really so blessed to have such incredible family and were very happy to spend the special day with some of the greatest!  We hope everyone had a fabulous holiday.  Please enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Showers

Hey guys!

Week 45 was another great success.  We had a very eventful weekend.  My mom and best friend, Brittany, threw my bridal shower at our house on Sunday.  With our luck, our water stopped working the day before and only worked in spurts until it got fixed on Monday.  It made for an eventful day but luckily it worked for the entire party.  When clean up time came, it wasn't working again so dishes and such ended up having to way.  None the less, the party was a great success and a reminder of how blessed we are.  It meant a lot to all three of us that so many people were able to make the trip to spend the special day with us.  And while the girls partied, Evan got to go shoot his gun with Dan.  They had a great time and brought home targets full of bullet holes for proof.  Anna had a dentist appointment this week.  While she didn't really dig sitting in the "princess" chair, we were happy to find out that she still had perfect teeth!  We ended the week by visiting Big Falls to scope out our ceremony site.  It's just as beautiful as we remember and it was exciting to see it without a foot of snow covering everything.  Only 36 days until our wedding and things are not going to slow down until it's here.  We are making the most of every single day and we hope you enjoy this week's photos!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby