Thursday, April 19, 2012

April Snow Showers Bring May Flowers?

Hey folks,

We may have just clocked in what felt like the longest week we have had this year. We have experience gale force winds, white out snow, lots and lots of rain, and of course a few sunny days.  Just another week in the upper midwest.  We had a bit of fun this week and ventured out to visit the Paul Bunyan logging camp here in Eau Claire.  Due to the wind, we ended up not staying as long as we would have hoped, but we will sure make our way back there in the future.  It is hard to believe our wedding is less than a month away.  It feels like everything keeps falling right into place and we are happy that the big day is almost here.  We are excited to see all of your faces very soon!! Please enjoy this weeks photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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