Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Showers

Hey guys!

Week 45 was another great success.  We had a very eventful weekend.  My mom and best friend, Brittany, threw my bridal shower at our house on Sunday.  With our luck, our water stopped working the day before and only worked in spurts until it got fixed on Monday.  It made for an eventful day but luckily it worked for the entire party.  When clean up time came, it wasn't working again so dishes and such ended up having to way.  None the less, the party was a great success and a reminder of how blessed we are.  It meant a lot to all three of us that so many people were able to make the trip to spend the special day with us.  And while the girls partied, Evan got to go shoot his gun with Dan.  They had a great time and brought home targets full of bullet holes for proof.  Anna had a dentist appointment this week.  While she didn't really dig sitting in the "princess" chair, we were happy to find out that she still had perfect teeth!  We ended the week by visiting Big Falls to scope out our ceremony site.  It's just as beautiful as we remember and it was exciting to see it without a foot of snow covering everything.  Only 36 days until our wedding and things are not going to slow down until it's here.  We are making the most of every single day and we hope you enjoy this week's photos!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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