Thursday, April 26, 2012

11 Down, 1 To Go

Hey guys -

Wow.  It's hard to believe that we only have four full weeks left of pictures.  Meaning only four full weeks until Anna turns three.  Time is just flying by with how busy we are with planning the wedding and all.  However, this week actually felt like it was about 12 days long.  We had a really great week with some awesome visitors.  Evan's good friend, Josh, who also happens to be our wedding photog, came to Eau Claire for a day of shooting.  The boys shot rolls upon rolls of film while Anna and I explored the woods.  We got a ton of cute pictures of Anna so I apologize in advance for the many, many extras this week.  Evan's sister, Gerryanne, also visited.  She came up to practice curling AnnaBoo's hair for the wedding day and of course to hang out with us.  It was a fun day.  We are so grateful for all her help with our decorations, too!  We have some of the best family around!  The rest of the week was surprisingly productive.  We have crossed a lot things off of our to-do list and we are feeling more and more prepared for the big day! (It's only two weeks away!)

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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