Thursday, May 31, 2012

We did it!

Hey guys!!

This is an exciting post.  We're done!  Anna has turned three and our 366 project is officially over.  We made it the entire third year of her life taking a picture each day.  That's pretty remarkable (and now a very hard habit to break).  It's been an incredible journey, one that has pushed us to get out explore the world around us.  We have had so much fun sharing this experience with each and every one of you.  We hope that Anna looks back fondly on this year of her life.   In the past few weeks, I have started to compile her book and we will be ordering it within the next few days.  It will be a keepsake we all cherish for the rest of our years.  :)  So this concludes our weekly blogs and daily pictures (even though so far in the start of her fourth year on this beautiful earth we have taken her picture every day).  Don't be alarmed we will continue to post about the excitement in our lives from time to time.  Stay tuned for our next adventures.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Plenty of sunshine

Hey folks!

This was our last full week of pictures before Anna's 3rd birthday!  Only two more full days of pictures before Anna turns 3 years old!  We are so excited to put this whole project together and share it with all of you.  This week we enjoyed the great weather we were given and tried to spend as much time outdoors as possible.  Anna loves being outside and will stand by the door wiggling the knob repeating the words, "outside! outside!" She will even gather up all her favorite toys and put them by the door.  It is amazing to reflect back and see how much Anna has grown this last year.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wedding Fun!

Hey Guys -

The big day came and went.  It was so perfect.  We are especially grateful for all the amazing people who came to the northwoods to help us celebrate.  We are a very blessed family.  We also celebrated all our fabulous mother's over the weekend with it being Mother's Day and all.  The rest of the week consisted of recuperating from our sleep deprivation and enjoying our time together.  This week had wonderful weather and we enjoyed some of our favorite parks as well as a picnic in our own, beautiful yard.  It's been really fabulous.  It's hard to believe that we only have one full week left of our 366 project which also means that little miss AnnaBoo will be turning three in just over a week!!  May is a fabulous month.  We hope you all enjoy this week's photos.  (More wedding pictures will be posted after the 366 project is done)

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Excitement is in the Air

Hey Guys.

This one will be short and sweet.  This week has been all about wedding preparations.  With that came the organization of our house since some of the wedding festivities will take place here.  Anna's room went through the biggest transformation.  She has a big girl bed now!  She was/still is more than excited about it all.  It's been a really great week.  Even though we have been so busy, we still managed to visit some of our favorite EC trails and parks.  Today is the start of the wedding fun - all our family will be arriving to town in the next few hours!  Excitement fills the air.

Here's a peek at her somewhat messy but awesome new bedroom:

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy May!

Hey Guys,

It's finally May.  This month is very exciting for our family.  Our wedding is one week away and then shortly after that Anna will turn three!  We had another fun week.  Nicole, Travis, and Zoe came to visit for the weekend with the intentions of helping with wedding stuff.  While not much in regards to the wedding got accomplished, we did finally buy a BIG bed!!  For those of you who know us best, you know this was a big deal.  It was a really fun weekend and nice to have a little break from all the projects. The remainder of the week was exactly the opposite.  We've been working very hard to tidy up loose ends and make sure everything is all set for our special day next week!  Hope you enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby