Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wedding Fun!

Hey Guys -

The big day came and went.  It was so perfect.  We are especially grateful for all the amazing people who came to the northwoods to help us celebrate.  We are a very blessed family.  We also celebrated all our fabulous mother's over the weekend with it being Mother's Day and all.  The rest of the week consisted of recuperating from our sleep deprivation and enjoying our time together.  This week had wonderful weather and we enjoyed some of our favorite parks as well as a picnic in our own, beautiful yard.  It's been really fabulous.  It's hard to believe that we only have one full week left of our 366 project which also means that little miss AnnaBoo will be turning three in just over a week!!  May is a fabulous month.  We hope you all enjoy this week's photos.  (More wedding pictures will be posted after the 366 project is done)

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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