Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy May!

Hey Guys,

It's finally May.  This month is very exciting for our family.  Our wedding is one week away and then shortly after that Anna will turn three!  We had another fun week.  Nicole, Travis, and Zoe came to visit for the weekend with the intentions of helping with wedding stuff.  While not much in regards to the wedding got accomplished, we did finally buy a BIG bed!!  For those of you who know us best, you know this was a big deal.  It was a really fun weekend and nice to have a little break from all the projects. The remainder of the week was exactly the opposite.  We've been working very hard to tidy up loose ends and make sure everything is all set for our special day next week!  Hope you enjoy this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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