Saturday, August 28, 2010

All moved in!!!

Hello again,

The past few days have been some of the longest and most exhausting for us. Between Evan being overworked, Gabby being sick, and Anna running a fever, things have been crazy. Oh, and throw in moving too! However, it has all been worth it. We are trying, very slowly might I add, to settle in at our new place and so far we are loving it! We noticed though, after two very full trailer loads of our belongings, that we have way too much stuff!

We have natural light!

Today, we got a little break from La Crosse and headed to Waupun (about a three hour drive)to help Gabby's niece, Zoe, celebrate her 6th birthday. It was a perfect day for the party and a nice day to drive. Zoe really enjoyed her special celebration and we are very happy we were able to make it. It was really nice to visit with the family, even if it was only for a few hours.

Although Anna has been feeling really lousy, we did capture a few fun candids of her playing at the park for Zoe's party.

Tomorrow, Evan starts a seven day work week and Gabby has a job interview. We are really hoping that Anna feels better soon so on our free time we can explore our new neighborhood. When we find something new and exciting, we will be sure to share it with everyone!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Our last days on 7th Street

Hi guys,

So we have been super busy and blogging has been on the back burner. We were very excited to only have a few days left at our 7th street apartment. Our favorite thing about living in that part of town was the Gundersen Lutheran trail a few blocks away (we have mentioned it before). We had one last chance to walk it before we moved and wanted to share some pictures with everyone:

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Football and Food

Hey there readers,

Saturday was the second pre-season Packer game this year. We ventured over to Uncle Eric's apartment to tune into the game. It was a fun time. Anna was sporting her adorable Rodgers jersey. Here are some pictures...

Sunday, we decided to have some friends over to grill out.  We went to Festival and got over three pounds of chicken.  While the chicken was cooking, we let Anna out of her playpen to run around outside.  She had a blast.  Here are some pictures of our little walker.

Our small grill about to capacity with chicken

She loves to explore

Uncle Eric

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Last day off before the big move

Hey gang,

So today was Evan's last day off before moving on wednesday. We spent the day doing some light packing and of course relaxing. It decided to get hot and humid outside again so after running a few errands, we decided to blast the AC. Our apartment cooled off very nice and we decided to bundle Anna up in her UWL sweater. We made some delicious chipotle cheddar cheese burgers on the grill for dinner and now its time to wind down and enjoy the rest of the evening.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby