Monday, August 9, 2010

Self Timer Adventure

Hello blog world,

Like we said in our last post, Evan had yesterday and today off. And also like we promised, we ventured out to the trail we enjoy walking near our apartment for a self timer family photoshoot. We used a tripod and an old picnic table for our shots.

The adventure was quite interesting to say the least. It has been boiling hot here in western Wisconsin the past two days. Because of the sweltering heat we opted out of walking to the trail with all our camera gear, and thus we drove. Of course, there was construction that made us drive around the hospital to get there. We decided to shoot at a picnic table near what we consider the end of the trail. Here are some pictures from our adventurous shoot.

Of course we always need to capture Anna being cute!

We encountered a very large and very intimidating cicada in the area and after some sissy girl cries Evan moved it away.

Anna loves to eat grass and pretty much anything else she can get her hands on. So towards the end of the shoot, she choked and spit up all over the bottom of her dress. That's about the time we decided to call it quits. Sweaty and dirty, we packed up the car and came home.

Today, we decided to take it easy. We bought Anna the cutest shirt at the gap and had some ice cream at cold stone. Now we are going to blast the ac, watch some Walle and make some dinner for the family and brother Eric. Overall we'd say it was a successful two days off.

Here is a quick snapshot off our dinner.  Pesto tortellini with chicken and broccoli and homemade garlic bread.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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