Thursday, August 12, 2010

Birthday Weekend!

Hello blog world,

Tomorrow is Gabby's birthday.  She is going to be the ripe, old age of 22.  We opted out of celebrating by doing something lavish and expensive and decided to spend the special day as a family, doing family stuff.  We are hoping to take Anna swimming during the day, however, it is supposed to storm.  The only other plans we have are to have dinner at Red Lobster.  Evan's never been there and Gabby raves about the cheddar biscuits so we thought this would be the perfect time to introduce Evan and Anna to them.  (It might be a huge mistake; we already eat out too often and we don't need to add Red Lobster to the list of restaurants we frequent.)  Hopefully, we will be able to document the day with some wonderful photographs we can share with all of you.  Until then, we're out.  We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and this darn heat goes away.

With love,

Anna, Evan, and Gabby

PS... Check out the meteor shower, Perseids. :)

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