Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gabby's 22!!

Hello blog world,

This weekend was wonderful, which means this blog may be long. Yesterday was Gabby's 22nd birthday, like the last post mentioned. It ended up being a really wonderful day. We went to Panera for breakfast and the mall to get Gloria's Jeans.

 We relaxed at home until having dinner Red Lobster. It was actually a surprisingly disappointing dining experience. When dining out, Evan and I always either just share a meal or order two appetizers as our meal. Unbeknownst to us, if you only order appetizers you don't get cheddar biscuits. We complained (not really complained, just asked politely for them) and received three piping hot biscuits that made the kind of lousy meal worthwhile.

Then, darling Uncle Eric came over to watch Anna while Evan and I went to see Toy Story 3. We learned that movies here in La Crosse are now $9 a person! Evan tried to get us tickets to HP7 but they aren't for sale yet. The movie was so good. And we are quite glad we screened it before taking Anna along because we now think Anna will probably have to wait until DVD to see the movie. The theatre is too loud and she'd probably get scared.

On a little side note, we have decided to start reading the Deathly Hallows out loud. Chapter one is down, and Evan seems hooked!

Today was a long but very fun day. We ventured, with a very full PT Cruiser, to Boscobel for Evan's family's family reunion. The day was full of Singing in the car, sunshine, an impromptu photo shoot with a friend, and lots of family and fun!

Brett giving Anna smooches. (she doesn't seem amused)

Anna and Grandma causing trouble

A shot from the Lydia shoot

We are finally home and the first Packer pre-season game has begun. Time to relax.

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