Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New Anna Pictures

Hello blog world,

Evan has been back to work for the past two days so it has just been Anna and I hanging out at home for the most part.  It's unbearably hot outside.  Today's high was 90 degrees with a heat index of 105.  That's the kind of weather that you can't pay me to go outside in.  So instead, Anna and I have been lazy and watching some Pixar movies.  And of course, I have been taking a ton of pictures of her.  Here are a few (and some from the past few weeks):

When you are this cute, you're pajamas don't have to match.

Beautiful smile.

Looking as gorgeous as ever today.

Here are some pictures from when Auntie Nicole and Big Cousin Zoe visited:

Sun flare.  <3

Peanut had an awful mosquito bite on her face from a venture in the woods the night before.

So happy to have her auntie and cousin in town!!

Such a beautiful silhouette. 

Zoe and her new bear WebKinz

We had to get a good picture of the D700 with the 85mm on it.  Yum :]

Here are a few other cute candids of Anna:
Playing with her bellybutton.

Anna's fed up with her cellular device.


So in a little bit Anna and I are going to head to the mall to pick her up this adorable jacket:

I would say she is going to look quite beautiful in this this fall.   Look forward to seeing a lot of pictures of her wearing this in the near(ish) future.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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