Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Few Final Hours

Hey Guys!

Week five is officially over.  It was a heck of week.  We have been so busy with packing, visiting family, and enjoying our last few days in the Onalaska/La Crosse area.  It is definitely bittersweet to be moving tomorrow.  There are so many people and things we are going to miss but we have many things to look forward to in Eau Claire.  The week has been a whirlwind.  We ventured back to Mayville for a very fun day outdoors celebrating my little sister's birthday.  We had a family grill out with Evan's brothers.  We helped Eric and Mae move to their beautiful new home.  The list goes on and on.  At least we could do all those things and still get our packing done.  We even made a trip to Goose Island again and had one last dinner at Rudy's drive in.  It was a really great week and I can only imagine that this coming week will be just as exciting with moving tomorrow and the fourth of July on Monday!  Hope you guys enjoy the pictures this week.

We ordered Anna a baby beer. Isn't it cute!

Tune in next week to the first post from our new home!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's almost here -- Week 4

Hey guys!

Another successful week has passed!  We had to try really hard to enjoy this week because the weather has been out of control and we have been swamped with packing and seeing everyone we are going to miss so much after our move.

The beginning of our week started off by spending time outside.  We visited some places around La Crosse that we are really going to miss: Myrick park, Goose Island, and Veteran's Memorial Park.  They were all fun outings besides the mosquitos.  Sadly, Anna got a mosquito bite right on her eyebrow and her entire eyelid swelled up.  It was pretty heartbreaking.  She looked miserable but was in good spirits through it all.  Father's day was a nice, relaxing day.  Evan grilled some BBQ ribs and we celebrated how wonderful of a father he is!  Also, a shout out to our wonderful father's: Kip, Steve, Keith, and Dan!!  We love you guys!  Otherwise, the remainder of our week was spent trapped inside because of outrageous flash rain storms and cool temperatures!  (we did sneak outside between rain showers one day to play on a dock at a cute little lake near a quaint little restaurant we ate at)

We have a very very busy week ahead of us.  It just dawned on us that we really are leaving this place.  Moving day has always seemed so far away and now suddenly it's here.  The next blog will be our very last from our home in Onalaska.  We are hoping for a very smooth transition and that all our favorites won't forget to write... and visit!!

Hope you enjoy our set of photos from this week... (We included three photos from Father's Day -- sometimes it's hard to pick the best!)

We decided to include some pictures of us this week too!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fifty Nifty

Wow there is just so much to do and it feels like time keeps getting shorter and shorter! It feels like yesterday Anna turned two and we started this adventure. We are blogging our third week and are so excited to keep sharing this journey with you all. This post also marks a blog milestone for us as well, our 50th post!!! We would like to take a moment and give a shout out to our friends over at and their ongoing project that shares the title of this post in their honor. They are working hard at shooting 50 weddings in 50 states while donating $1000 from each wedding to stop human trafficking. That's $50,000!!!!!!! We wish them the best in their travels and are excited for their accomplishments.

We move in about two weeks and thus the packing process has begun.  However, as of tonight we are up to two incomplete boxes packed.  Pretty pathetic.  Anna is way too good at unpacking them.  But on a happy note though, Anna loves playing in the boxes!  We definitely have an exciting two weeks ahead of us.  Between Father's Day, Gabby's little sister's birthday party, and moving we will be very busy!!

I hope you enjoy this weeks photos,

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Movin' Right Along -- Week 2

Hey guys!

We made it through week two!  It was such a fun week.  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were filled with family visiting for Anna's second birthday celebration!  Then the temperature spiked and it was unbearably hot outside for the beginning of the week.  We even broke down and made a trip to Cold Stone to cool down and enjoy some ice cream!  Also, we visited downtown La Crosse one day and took Anna to some cute little waterfalls where she splashed and cooled herself down.  She had so much fun and came home soaked!  We ended our week with a trip to Rochester and a stop at the most beautiful and secluded rest stop I've ever been to.  Anna collected sticks and pinecones and we had a lot of fun enjoying the cooler weather.

We are trying our hardest to start incorporating ourselves more!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Here Goes Nothing -- Week 1

Hey Guys!

We are so excited that we survived week one of our project!!  It has been so much fun and we only had one day that we spaced and ended up doing a right before bed shoot.  I really hope that you all enjoy these pictures as much as we do and that you follow along with us for this next year.  This week was of course very exciting because it includes Anna's birthday.  As you saw in the previous post, she had a very nice day.  The rest of the week consisted of enjoying the beautiful weather, long naps, a doctor appointment, and some fun with chalk.  Evan had off on Saturday so we headed out to our favorite trail in La Crosse.  If you have been following along with our blog from day one you will remember it well.  It's the Gundersen Lutheran walking trail on the south side of town.  This was the first time we have gone to the trail since we moved to Onalaska last August!  It looked a lot different, and it's not necessarily due to the fact that it's been a year more so than that the La Crosse tornado just ripped through it a few weeks back.  Anna had a blast running around and being the leader.  Anna also had a very successful doctor visit on Wednesday.  It's crazy, suddenly she is a kid and gets to stand on a scale and stand against the wall to get measured!  She did an awesome job and looked so adorable in the little gown!

We've decided after this first week that we will do Friday blog posts instead of Thursday.  Since Thursdays are the last day of each week for pictures, it will be easier for us to compile and post on Fridays.  That way our post won't be in the middle of the night like this week's is!

This coming week will be full of more birthday festivities!  Our weekend if full of visitors from both sides of the family and we are so excited to have them!  And what little kid wouldn't want another birthday party or two...

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby