Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fifty Nifty

Wow there is just so much to do and it feels like time keeps getting shorter and shorter! It feels like yesterday Anna turned two and we started this adventure. We are blogging our third week and are so excited to keep sharing this journey with you all. This post also marks a blog milestone for us as well, our 50th post!!! We would like to take a moment and give a shout out to our friends over at and their ongoing project that shares the title of this post in their honor. They are working hard at shooting 50 weddings in 50 states while donating $1000 from each wedding to stop human trafficking. That's $50,000!!!!!!! We wish them the best in their travels and are excited for their accomplishments.

We move in about two weeks and thus the packing process has begun.  However, as of tonight we are up to two incomplete boxes packed.  Pretty pathetic.  Anna is way too good at unpacking them.  But on a happy note though, Anna loves playing in the boxes!  We definitely have an exciting two weeks ahead of us.  Between Father's Day, Gabby's little sister's birthday party, and moving we will be very busy!!

I hope you enjoy this weeks photos,

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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