Thursday, June 9, 2011

Movin' Right Along -- Week 2

Hey guys!

We made it through week two!  It was such a fun week.  Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were filled with family visiting for Anna's second birthday celebration!  Then the temperature spiked and it was unbearably hot outside for the beginning of the week.  We even broke down and made a trip to Cold Stone to cool down and enjoy some ice cream!  Also, we visited downtown La Crosse one day and took Anna to some cute little waterfalls where she splashed and cooled herself down.  She had so much fun and came home soaked!  We ended our week with a trip to Rochester and a stop at the most beautiful and secluded rest stop I've ever been to.  Anna collected sticks and pinecones and we had a lot of fun enjoying the cooler weather.

We are trying our hardest to start incorporating ourselves more!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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