Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's almost here -- Week 4

Hey guys!

Another successful week has passed!  We had to try really hard to enjoy this week because the weather has been out of control and we have been swamped with packing and seeing everyone we are going to miss so much after our move.

The beginning of our week started off by spending time outside.  We visited some places around La Crosse that we are really going to miss: Myrick park, Goose Island, and Veteran's Memorial Park.  They were all fun outings besides the mosquitos.  Sadly, Anna got a mosquito bite right on her eyebrow and her entire eyelid swelled up.  It was pretty heartbreaking.  She looked miserable but was in good spirits through it all.  Father's day was a nice, relaxing day.  Evan grilled some BBQ ribs and we celebrated how wonderful of a father he is!  Also, a shout out to our wonderful father's: Kip, Steve, Keith, and Dan!!  We love you guys!  Otherwise, the remainder of our week was spent trapped inside because of outrageous flash rain storms and cool temperatures!  (we did sneak outside between rain showers one day to play on a dock at a cute little lake near a quaint little restaurant we ate at)

We have a very very busy week ahead of us.  It just dawned on us that we really are leaving this place.  Moving day has always seemed so far away and now suddenly it's here.  The next blog will be our very last from our home in Onalaska.  We are hoping for a very smooth transition and that all our favorites won't forget to write... and visit!!

Hope you enjoy our set of photos from this week... (We included three photos from Father's Day -- sometimes it's hard to pick the best!)

We decided to include some pictures of us this week too!!

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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