Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas comes multiple times this year

Hey guys,

Our holiday festivities have begun!  We had the opportunity to celebrate Christmas with Evan's mom and siblings this past weekend.  It's always so much fun to get the whole gang together.  We ate awesome food, attempted to watch Christmas Vacation, exchanged wonderful gifts, played games, and just all around enjoy the company of the ones we love so dearly.  As anyone can imagine, a two year old gets quite spoiled during the holiday season, whether it's grandparents, aunts and uncles, parents, or Santa gifts fly in from everywhere.  We enjoyed a week full of playing with all her new goodies.  We had a very exciting opportunity for our little Anna to try out a product for one of our favorite companies.  Best Made is a USA based axe company and they just came out with a hand knit axe for children.  They were in need of a little boy or girl to test out the axe and document the child's play with the item.  Anna was the lucky little lady and for the past two weeks has been wielding this adorable little axe.  Keep an eye out in this week's photos for the axe and we will let everyone know when she is featured on the Best Made website.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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