Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our Favorite Time of Year.

Hey guys,

This week was the calm before the storm.  We tried to lay low and enjoy the simple things in life because starting this coming week our holiday festivities begin.  We love living in Eau Claire, the only downside is the fact that our travel time for the holidays have increased significantly.  No matter how far we have to go though, it’s worth it to see our families during the holiday season.  This week, we had the opportunity to babysit Grace.  Anna was very cute with her little cousin.  She was constantly helping out, whether she felt Grace needed her pacifier or her shoe fell off.  It was a lot of fun and it was good to see Anna so excited to have her here.  Please enjoy this week's pictures.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

PS.  We have reached another milestone with this week:  over 200 days finished!

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