Friday, December 2, 2011

Snowy Bottoms.

Hey guys,

While taking a picture every day is ingrained into our daily lives, we completely dropped the ball when it came to blogging on time.  This is a trend that we need to break.  As each day seems colder than the last, it is taking a lot of effort to get out from in front of the fire and venture outdoors.  Anna doesn't seem to really be digging the chilly weather either.  She likes to be out for maybe 20 minutes tops.  But we make the most of what we can do.  This week has been exciting because we are averaging about three packages a day coming to our house.  I decided to do a lot of our Christmas shopping online so that the days we actually get to see Evan don't have to be spent at stores.  He is working a mandatory 50 hours a week and we feel like we never see him.  Even on days when he gets home "early" (meaning 7pm), it already feels like the day is over since it's completely dark out.  We will not let that rain on our enjoyment of the season of giving.  We are really excited for Christmas to come!  It it so much more fun with a kiddo like Anna who gets excited about everything possible.  We hope you get excited, and enjoy, this week's photos.

With love,
Anna, Evan, and Gabby

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